That you are unique is not in contest. The only thing that no one else has in the whole world is you. Your voice, your capabilities and your mind are shared by absolutely no one else. From a biological front, there is no one wholly identical to the other. That is why your fingerprints and DNA at large are unique to just you. Everything unique is also built for uniqueness. The uniqueness that went into your construction (inputs) implies that you were built to bring out unique results (outputs). Unique and great achievements are expected out of you.
That we all yearn for greatness is also not in question. Most if not all of us want to be outstanding in whatever we do. We want to make it big in our endeavors. No one wants to be a loser, no one wants to be unsuccessful. However, reality seems to be differing with this inherent desire for greatness that is in each one of us. This brings forth some irony. Whereas it is true that we all have been created in a unique and great way and equipped with unique components such as gifts, capabilities and talents, we still yearn for, dream of and wish for uniqueness and greatness without much to write home about. This is ironical and points towards a disconnect somewhere.
Look at it this way, if the inputs are undoubtedly unique and great yet the outputs are mediocre at best, then there has to be a problem with the processing of the inputs. A farmer may have good inputs for the farm, but this does not automatically guarantee an outstanding harvest. The processing of the inputs matters greatly. The preparation of the land, the planting and the weeding are some of the processes that will define the greatness of the harvest. What about us? Our unique and great compositions do not automatically translate to great outcomes. If we do not accept that we are great and capable of greatness, if we do not accept that we are adequately endowed for achievement, if we do not become deliberate in the conversion of our unique and great compositions into unique and great achievements, then our maker’s unique investment in us shall be in vain.
A lot of us are crippled by inaction. We know without a shadow of doubt that we are capable of wonderful achievements, but we are held back by the misleading forces of fear and laziness. A number of people are yet to come to terms with the fact that they are destined for greatness and that they have great components within them. The end results are complaints and finger pointing. Excuses. We end up not revealing our greater selves. We dupe ourselves that the world has seen everything and there is no new thing that we can bring forth to the world. That there is no need to think harder when everything has already been thought. Nothing can be far from the truth. There is potential for as many new, great and life changing ideas, discoveries, innovations and inventions as the number of people on planet earth.
It is apparent to recall that while pessimists declared that the world had seen everything, the Wright Brothers brought the Aero plane to us. While many believed that all had been done, Philo Taylor Farnsworth shocked the world with the modern television. Many inventions and innovations have since followed, including but not limited to the website, internet, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and various advancements in the medical, agricultural, banking and indeed all spheres of life. Closer home, when others thought ideas had been exhausted, we took the world by storm with the Mpesa technology.
I must be quick to add that no one else is in charge of processing our unique composition into unique manifestations. You cannot delegate that function. You have to do it yourself. No one else is responsible for your success in anything you undertake, but yourself. No one can do nothing exactly like you. You are tailor-made for your greatness. Stop imagining that you are too small to tremble the world. Your current position in life is irrelevant to the achievement of the unique greatness inherently planted in you. A multi-million state-of-the-art vehicle with tens of thousands of parts will not function if a tiny part such as the transmitter wire worth a few hundred shillings is missing to help in powering the engine. No one is too small to be ignored by the world especially if s/he believes in and indeed processes his/her unique and great inputs into wonderful outputs. Make yourself relevant and I can guarantee you that the world will not afford to ignore you forever. Get out there and showcase that potential that you so much believe you have. After all, the finest of unique and great ingredients were used to create you. Who knows, your idea might be the next big thing. The world is waiting.

Roy Okonji

Trainer | Motivational Speaker | Team Builder | Life Coach | Mentor

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