Time is a resource, a unique one at that. So unique that it gets all of us baffled. It is a resource that cannot be made and neither can it be saved for future use. It cannot be transferred and neither can it be bought. It is intangible and can only be managed. It is amazing how some people accomplish tens of tasks within a given span of time yet others accomplish only one or none within the same span under the same conditions. Time is a resource more valuable than money because money can be made but never time.
Each day, God places in our hands twenty four hours for utilization. Out of these, every second not utilized is not saved, but wasted. We all have a choice on how to utilize this noble gift of time. In this time, we can choose to be a blessing to others or a pain in their neck; we can choose to work or to gossip; we can choose to be happy or to frown; we can choose to reveal ourselves to the world by doing something for others or to remain incognito by doing nothing for the world. Most importantly is that we all exist within time.
This time that we are given is a gift that we do not have the luxury of wasting. Things may not be looking up for you today but you are blessed with time to redeem your life image. Each minute that passes by is an opportunity to make things better, an opportunity to forgive, and an opportunity to learn and make the world a better place for you and for someone else. At the end of the day, in as much as we all have the latitude to run our time as we deem fit, any unutilized time is forfeited.
The twenty four hours allocated to us every day is a gift and should be treated as such. The moment we begin looking at time as the gift that it is, we begin to realize that not every of the activities we spend our time on is worth it. The time we spend in gossiping could be utilized in helping others; the time we spend whining about life could be spent winning in life; the time we spend hating someone could be used to love another. We begin to acknowledge that not all the struggles we partake in life are worth our precious time. We begin to realize that struggling to be like someone else is wastage of this precious resource. When you look at time as a gift, you begin to realize that trying to please anyone and everyone is not only impossible but also time wasting.
When all is said and done, no one will be remembered for the number of days he/she lived, but for the number of people he/she touched; by the number of people on whose faces he/she planted a smile. You do not put a smile on people’s faces by staring at them as time passes, rather, by utilizing every second with intentional life touching actions. Not all your days in school will be remembered, but only those you sat down and concentrated on the core business of schooling, which will be manifested in your performance. The time to swing into action is now. The clock is ticking.
Many a times, the importance of time dawns to us when it is a little bit too late. Many people would give up anything just to get an extra day. Many people wish they spent a lot more time with family when they retire. Others wish they read a little more before sitting for their examinations. The time is always right to do that which is right. Do not wait to regret when curtains suddenly fall on you. Life is like theatre; each one of us gets on stage, plays his/her role and exits to pave way for the next actor. The time we are on stage means everything. The audience is never bothered with how long you had prepared before getting on stage, all they remember is your performance while on stage. Any second underutilized while on stage, is a wasted opportunity to make an impact. Do not wait for the opportune time; just stand up and get counted now for YOU CAN DO BETTER!

Roy Okonji
Motivational Speaker & Author

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